Carlos Baena is one of my favorite animators.  Yea there are a lot of great animators out there and honestly I do not know that many, but he has skills.  I hung out with him one night and on top of being a great animator, he is a cool guy to hang with.  My wife is also from Spain, but from a different island and made sure I did not butcher his name.  Emphasizing the wrong vowel could get you to say whale, but I am sure he is used to Americans mispronunciations by now.   Either way, He visited Denver to speak at one of the local schools and his presentation on animation was just phenomenal.  Now nothing beats talking with him in person, but here is a portion of the presentation similar to the one he made that day.  Now I know The Incredibles was not that recent, but I just came across this presentation and I had to share it.  Check it out! – Cornell