Comicon Challenge: Age of Legends



"Ravaged with time and victories of war, an aged man adorned with a red cape, glares at a crystal projected screen to witness flames and destruction rain over his beloved city. A great sentient evil is about to destroy all that he worked for and all that he loves. It has been many years since he has made an appearance on earth and many more since he has fought, but for him, there is no time for rest. Humanity is in desperate need of a hero, even if it is to be for one last time. Aged and tired, he slowly steps off his throne, and speaks to himself, to gather courage, and to gather strength – "If this is to be my end, then ..."  - Superman

"On the roof of a snow covered mansion, a young boy watches the sun set on a city he used to call home. It has been one month since his parents were brutally murdered in front of him, but for a young boy of 12, it still felt like today. Thugs and drug lords rule the streets now. Nobody is safe. Everyone lives in fear. It would take more than political words or the efforts of a corrupt police force to make things right. He needed a symbol, something that even criminals would fear, and then it came to him from the cover of darkness..." – Batman

Join us for our Comicon 2010 Challenge - The Age of Legends. In this challenge, you, the creator, are given the unique power to alternate the age of your "action-based" super hero or super villain. If your favorite character is middle aged, then you can make a young or older version of him. If your character is already young, then you can make a middle aged or older version of her. The word "can" is used because as always, this twist is purely optional. You are free to create an unaltered version of your favorite character, or, you can join in on the fun, be creative, and make this remake topic your personal challenge!

Remember, Archie is not an "action" hero and Garfield is not a super villain - they don't have weapons and they don't save or kill people. However, Wolverine, Battle Angel Alita, The Phoenix, Flash, Cyclops, Superman, Batman, Gambit, Daredevil, Electra, Joker, Magneto, G.I.Joe, Ninja Turtles, and many many more are all glorious examples of exactly what we are looking for during this challenge. The only restriction: one of your final images MUST include an original small comic book cover or page of the character you choose to create. Simply find a cover or page online that contains your character, and stick it on one of your final images to pay respect to the original character and/or creator.

All 1st to 10th place Champions will be commemorated with star icons to highlight their success during this challenge, and placed within our easily found Comicon 2010 awards' page to show the world, forever, your standing in this difficult challenge.

Good Luck to everyone who enters!!